
Helping you reach
your full potential

At Inicio, we bring humanity, connection, and community to every aspect of career development and personalize our services to each person’s unique needs in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.

From the very beginning, we listen to your story and pay close attention to your unique needs and goals. As a not-for-profit community organization, our mission is to help first or second-language English speakers build their confidence by helping them adapt and integrate into Montreal society on a personal and professional level.

Did you know?

70% of students who successfully complete our Employability program go on to either find work during the program or within three months of completing it.

Our modern approach
to employability

Our whole person, experiential approach builds on the hard and soft skills you already have, adding helpful new strategies along the way and helping you move forward with confidence, focus and resiliency. Our various programs, including beginner and intermediate English classes, as well as our Employability program, can help you overcome obstacles, find hope, and carve out a career path for success.

Instructor smiling and engaging three students in their pursuit of upgrading their basic English and French speaking skils.